5 Qualities of Great Leaders
There are numerous reasons members choose to leave the club, where sometimes it might be due to relocation or conflict in schedule, other times it could be because of lack of leadership and motivation. It is very difficult to gain the respect you deserve as a leader, whether that is in your place of work or within your club. At the end of the day, the qualities of a good leader will motivate club members to work harder to achieve goals and remain part of the club.
Leadership is a quality that comes naturally to some while others have to work very hard to prove to be effective and respectable leaders. A good leader knows that it's not about them - it's about the club, club members and the work the club does. 
Here are five common attributes of successful leaders that can help you keep your members engaged and motivated:
  • Listening and then listening some more
As somebody in a position of power where you make the decisions, listening is a top quality to have. It makes fellow club members feel comfortable to approach and confide in you about things they like or dislike about the club. It also makes everyone feel like their ideas are heard, which is why members will want to share more ideas about activities and projects the club can partake in. Being able to listen and ask questions to find out more about the wants of your club members will increase trust in club members and in turn help your club flourish and grow.
  • Taking a stand, and not being afraid of being wrong
As part of the leadership committee, you have to make decisions and take stands, whether it means you are supporting the ideas of your fellow club members or trying to gain support for an idea of your own. Supporting the idea of others and taking a stand for an idea of your own is great but the important part is knowing when your decision is wrong and then graciously backing away. 
  • Boosting confidence in others
A lot of times members leave the club because they don't feel appreciated, become de-motivated or aren't given the opportunity to participate in projects in the way they had hoped. A good leader recognizes the power of recognition and tries to always boost confidence in others by celebrating club accomplishments through the members. Acknowledging the work of others and celebrating it together with the club is a simple and easy way to boost member confidence, in that you validate that they are doing great work.
  • Asking for help
Asking for help shows you respect that individual's expertise and judgement. It makes the person on the other end feel more important and part of a team. It brings forth a sense of unity and as such you show your club members that their ideas, suggestions and ability to share their feedback on whatever the topic at hand may be, matters and will be heard.
  • Owning mistakes
As a person in a position of influence, it is no doubt that any failures will lead back to you in some root, shape or form. If the matter is small at hand, rather than playing the blame game and pointing fingers, accept the mistake on behalf of the club and acknowledge the lesson learnt. Share how this can be a lesson moving forward and how such mistakes can be avoided. Your members will respect you for not putting other club members down for small mistakes and will be proud to be part of a club where they are shown that even when mistakes are made, the club sticks together as a family, just as you do in times of celebrations.

Just like in the workplace, employees work harder and are happier when the leadership motivates and appreciates, club members will also feel a sense of pride if they are shown they are appreciated. Sometimes, all it takes is a bit of listening and a bit of supporting.

Adapted from: LinkedIn Today Article -  Qualities of Truly Confident People
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