Membership Ideas To Go by District 6040
Membership Ideas To Go by District 6040

In 2008, this District transitioned from having no online database to implementing ClubRunner. PDG 2008-2009 Elizabeth Usovicz and her executive team decided that they needed an easy to administer and update website along with the database capabilities that Club Runner provides.
"ClubRunner made a significant difference in our district’s ability to share information with our clubs and their members. Were in the first phases of transition to Club Runner, which involve encouraging district Rotarians to access the website and training club secretaries on its database capabilities at PETS. ClubRunner has participated in Club Secretaries’ training at Show Me PETS for the past 2 years The Club Runner Technical Support team has delivered outstanding customer service throughout the process and made our transition a smooth one."
District 6040 successfully uses ClubRunner Modules to streamline their communications, handle routine administrative tasks and offer club support tools and techniques on their website. Check out these best practices membership tips provided by Randy and Leslie High – District 6040 Membership Co-Chairs, 2008-2009 - for ideas for your clubs!
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