Professional Services
Whether you need assistance with design work, data transfer, website management or more, your dedicated ClubRunner Coach can help get the most out of ClubRunner. Contact us for more information on any of the services listed below.
Jump Start Program
New to ClubRunner and require customized assistance getting setup? Our Jump Start Program combines the Data Transfer, Website & Data Quality Management, Configuration Setup and the Design & Creative services, listed below to make your move to ClubRunner easy. Everything is taken care for you!
Custom Quote, starting at $800

Data Transfer Services
If you would like help transferring content from your current website to your new ClubRunner website, your search is over! We'll pair you with your ClubRunner Coach who will take care of transferring all the data into your new site and will even help design your ClubRunner site with your new content in place. Contact us for more information.

Theme Modifications
We offer a library of ready-to-use themes as part of your subscription. If you would like to modify a theme, we can customize a theme's elements such as font, font size, colors, as well as any basic graphic work such as banners, image formatting and other tweaks.

Website Content & Data
Would you like us to update your website content for you? We do this on an hourly basis for occasional updates. Alternatively, purchase prepaid hours at a discounted rate for ongoing content updates! Inquire for more details. Note, that this does not include custom design work.
All prepaid hours expire one year from date of purchase.
Pre-paid Rates:
5 hours: $290
10 hours: $550
25 hours: $1300
50 hours: $2450

Custom Design & Graphics
Want a unique theme for your website or newsletters? Do you have precise requirements on how your site should look? Based on your requirements, you can have a ClubRunner Coach bring your ideas to life on your new website! The Design and Creative Coach can create email templates, custom widgets, banners, graphics, logos, and more. Already a customer but want to refresh the look of your site? Consider having our Design & Creative team work with you.
Custom Quote, starting at $1500

Custom Training Webinar
Get your group up and running with a customized in-depth training session where we go over specific functionality.
$95 for 1 hour
$45 per additional hour

In Person Training
Prefer an in person training session? Get your group up and running with a customized in-depth training session where we go over specific functionality. Max limit of 5 attendees. All training sessions done in the ClubRunner office.
$195 for 2 hours
$45 per additional hour

Event Management
Launching a large event? Or need help with ongoing volunteering and fundraising programs? Have your ClubRunner Coach help you manage your registration forms, contacts, event details and reports providing you with a stellar registration experience!
Custom Quote, starting at $250